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Ebrahim Raisi: Iran's Newest President

After securing 62% of the Iranian vote, “ultra-conservative” Ebrahim Raisi has won the Iranian presidential election. According to Statistica, out of the 59.31 million eligible voters in Iran, only 28.93 million of these voters opted into casting their vote in this most recent election. In the past, Iran has relied on a high voter turnout to support the notion that Iranian elections are legitimate and fair (even if the Guardian Council virtually handpicks candidates). Recently, however, “#nowayIvote” was trending heavily on Persian social medias in the time leading up to the election. BBC credits this lack of voter enthusiasm with a growing sense of Iranian dissatisfaction with their government. Extreme reactions to political protests, general crackdowns and an economic crisis have resulted in an Iranian population that seemingly distrusts the legitimacy of their government. This corruption and economic crises served as the foundation for the 60-year-old Raisi campaign. Despite his campaign and his election, many question Ebrahim’s ability to act on his promises. Recently, activists have pointed out that Raisi allegedly played an integral role in the mass killing of political prisoners. It is safe to assume that his supposed role in these killings will be a topic of continued conversation in Iran, as there has been a large amount of upset surrounding the killing of political prisoners since the 2017 election. 


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